Students FAQ

Site: Moodle Université de Genève
Cours: FAQ étudiant-es - Students help
Livre: Students FAQ
Imprimé par: Visiteur anonyme
Date: mercredi 3 juillet 2024, 05:44


Use the table of contents on right side to navigate the FAQ.



How to enroll to a Moodle course:

  • search the "Course catalogue"

  • or use the search bar with course title, course code, or keywords (it won't work with the name of your teacher)
If you can't find your course, ask your peers or teacher.
Enrolment methods icons:
a password is needed to enroll in the course (ask your teacher for the password)
open course, no need to enroll
No icon: The enrolment is closed, check with your teacher on how to proceed. 
Please note subscribing to a Moodle course does not replace the official universitz enrollment nor exam enrollement !


How to unenrol from a Moodle course :

  • enter the course
  • click on the "more" tab in the course menu
  • click on "unenrol me"
screenshot unenrol self
Please note it may happen you will be unenrolled by your teacher before the next semester. 

Customize Moodle

To customize Moodle, you can adapt a number of parameters:

Click on your profile in the top right corner :

Profile you can upload a profile picture or present yourself to other Moodle users. Please note that user accounts are not managed by Moodle. You cannot change your name, email or password.

Preferences you can select your Notification preferences (which notifications, their frequency).

Language switch languages. Please note this only change the langugage interface but not course content. 

Accessibility switch to a Dyslexic friendly font.


Customize your dashboard

You can organize your dashboard and course overview with 2 lists: "starred" and "removed from view". It may help in better managing your course overview. 



Post in a forum

 How to post a message in a forum

You can launch a new discussion:

Or join an already existing topic. 

Or you can reply to a specific message by clicking on


If you select the advanced option, there you will be able to edit your text, insert a picture, insert a link, register an audio message, etc. You can also attach a file to your post. 

When your post is added, you have 30 minutes to edit it if you want to make any changes.

Subscribe to a discussion

If you'd like to subscribe, click on the "Subscribe" button.

By default, when you take part in a discussion, you are "subscribed", which means you will receive an e-mail notification each time a new message is posted in the discussion.

Submit an assignment

 How to submit an assignment

Click on the assignment:

On the assignement page, you will see the submission status, the due date and grading criteria (if any) .

Click on "add submission" 

Please note that there is a maximum file size and a maximum number of files. 

Drag&drop your file in the middle of the box or use the file selector. When your document is uploaded, click on "Save changes".


Please note that the teacher may ask for validation of the assignment. If the status is "Draft (not submitted)", click to complete submission!

Once your document has been submitted, the status displays "Submitted for grading".


Edit an assignment or change document:

It is usually possible to make changes until the deadline. But your teacher may choose not to permit it. From your submission overview you can choose to either modify or delte your submission. 


Connexion with Portfolio

Moodle and Portfolio are connected. To access your ePortfolio from Moodle, click on the "External links" in the top left corner of the navigation bar :


How to export your Moodle data in your ePortfolio

You may export different types of data: assignments, forum posts, glossary entries, chat sessions, etc. When available, you will see the "Export to portfolio" option.


There are several export formats: pdf/doc, HTML and LEAP2A (specific to portfolio platforms format). It is best to avoid this last format.

Documents and HTML exports will be imported in the "Incoming" folder of your ePortfolio. LEAP2A export will be imported as an entry of your "Journal".

Submit a page from you ePortfolio as a Moodle assignment

Your teacher may ask you to turn in a page from your eportfolio for assessment.

  • Click on the assignement and click on "Submit"
  • Pages from your ePortfolio will be listed
  • Use the search bar if needed and select the page you want to turn in
  • Note that you may select one page by assignment
  • You won't be able to edit the page until the assessment is done

If you still have a question

Questions related to your IT account

IT accounts are created by your "faculté", centre or institute. If you need to make any changes such as your name, your email, the duration of your account, ask them.

To change your password follow this link :

Questions related to Moodle

All questions related to course content should be directed to your teacher. For example, explanations, activities,  assignment deadlines, etc.

If you encounter bugs or technical issues, contact the IT helpdesk :